Even though I would have liked Ryan to spend New Years Eve day finishing the trim, he had told a friend that he would help him move (which was fair since this friend helped us move). So I had an excuse to go to Virginia and to my own personal Disneyland, Home Goods! I went there with a list and, like usual, got nothing on that list but I did get a new shower curtain.
The thing about the upstairs bathroom is that it's blue, very blue. Since we do plan on renovating the bathroom some time down the road, I had told myself that I would just use our old bathroom things and it would be fine. That was before I saw Home Goods incredible selection of shower curtains at their everyday low prices (do I sound like a spokesperson for Home Goods yet? Because I'm pretty sure I would be great at that job). Now, that is something I can commit too, probably because it isn't a commitment at all, but that's besides the point. So after much personal debate, I decided on a shower curtain that I thought would accent the blue and make the room come together.
Before: Hello Blue! |
After: You like? |
Home Goods Shower Curtain= $15
TJ Maxx White Towels (2 large)= $6
Home Goods White Rug= $6
Home Goods Shower Organizer= $8
Home Goods Shower Curtain Hangers= $4
Home Goods Shower Curtain Hangers= $4
Total = $39
Did I already mention how much I love a good deal?