Oh, Friday, how I love thee. We have a full weekend full of projects (which we will be taking a break from Sunday morning to watch Ryan jump out of a plane) and I'm so excited to be spending the weekend in DC. It's funny that being away the past few weekends makes me actually miss it...
Ryan's been working late all week (as Ryan's mom said last week, "Ryan, you work too much"... true statement) so, we haven't done much with the house (boo!) but last night we managed to squeeze in a small project around 10pm. We finished framing the walls vertically the other week but where the windows are we needed to put in horizontal 2x4's for our window sills before we drywall. So, last night, Ryan set out to finish up one of the two windows.
Measuring up the window |
Putting in the last screw |
Done did. I love window sills especially since that means all my beautiful monstrous herb plants that are currently outside, will be able to come inside for the winter and I do love my fresh herbs. I think I have enough oregano, basil and rosemary to feed a small army, which is exactly how I like it.
I also just bought some fabric for Monkey's bed in our bedroom. This project has been a long time coming but it took me forever to find fabric that I liked.
You like? |
I also bought a yard of fabric to test out in the family room/kitchen. I have a few fabrics that I'm torn between when it comes to centering the design around but I think this one will be a good starting point.
I'm loving this color pallet. |
I'm thinking that I would turn these in to curtains in our kitchen or family room. I want our curtains to have a variety of colors so that they pull the room together. I am not a white curtain girl, I just don't see the point (probably because I'm obsessed with fabric).
I'm in Atlanta next week and we're off to Iceland the week after that but I'll update Monday on our progress from the weekend. I kind of love August it's like the month of vacations and also the month we'll be getting married in ONE year from Thursday! Woop Woop! How did the first 7 months of our engagement fly by so fast!?!? Time flies when you're having fun renovating a house ;)
PS. For those of you that are curious about the wedding our wedding website is www.ryanandchetta.projectwedding.com