Friday, August 30, 2013

After almost 3 years....

Our guest room is finally not purple anymore...

Here's that awful purple being painted over...

Revere Pewter for the win!

Now on to figuring out how to make a headboard...

Monday, July 1, 2013

It's been awhile....

I apologize for the 4 month silence period but we've been busy with life (and vacations) so have really just taken on small weekend projects. Nonetheless, I'll try to be better... I promise.

Okay, where did we leave off.... The backsplash is done and it is swoon worthy. I can't believe we lived without it for so long, it makes such a difference.

Finishing up!
Final product!

I also did a quick update on the bathroom as I wait for the big renovation.


These shelves were left by the previous owners and were rather horrible.
Once I took the shelves out, the yellow walls drove me insane so I found some white paint in the basement and spent a Monday night painting away. I also decided to build some shelves to look like those that I had seen at West Elm. I bought wood that Home Depot cut for me (I love that they do that) and then just stained and applied polyurethane. Ryan hung them with some sturdy brackets (along with a new overheard light).

And some towel hooks and wallah!

It's the little things...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our weekend

Our kitchen disheveled brings me back to the good old days.... #sarcasm.

On the positive side, by this weekend all of the subway tiles will be up... #swoon.

While Ryan was busy with the subway tiles, I classy-ed up our bedroom and dining "room" with some new curtains! I had the hardest time finding curtains that were long enough and ended up finding them at Ikea... who knew?!



Dining "room"

We have also begun talks with an architect about finishing the basement and the back room project. Exciting things... especially since we'll be hiring the work out this time around ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Backsplash Excitement

We started on the backsplash this weekend which was rather exciting. We have had 4 or 5 boxes of tiles down the basement for the past year and a half so it was nice to finally put them up. Ryan blames my awful supply chain skills on the rather large lag between ordering and executing but I like to think of it as optimistic thinking... plus, it's like a free project when you have forgotten about the original cost :) We won't talk about how I may or may not have measured wrong because we did one whole side of the kitchen and it took less than a box.... #wecantwinthemall

ANYWAY, here are the before pictures:

Ryan put up the thinset while I put up the tiles and spacers.

After a day of letting it set, Ryan filled in the tile with the grout.

Leo was obviously a HUGE help.
After some sponging and wiping it down, our backsplash now looks like this:

Swoon. We'll see how long it takes to do the other two walls but for now, I'm prettttty happy with how it turned out. #greytilewin

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I know, I'm the worst blogger ever. We actually have been getting some things done around the house but it has been crazy town with the holidays and some little vacations. I haven't had a chance to take pictures of the awesome clean up job Ryan did in the basement or the laundry room FINALLY painted but I did take a picture of the second ottoman finished.

Here's a reminder of the old coffee table.

Clearly not the same angle but I think a definite improvement. 

This weekend we're hoping to start the backsplash in the kitchen and I want to paint the inside of our glass kitchen cabinets a light blue. I'm trying my hand at chalk paint so hopefully it isn't a disaster... I'll let you know.