Monday, October 22, 2012

She's WHAT!?!

First off, my new book came in and it's prettttty exciting. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be excellent at carpentry #boldfacedlie. 

Second off, in some rather disturbing news, I took "Bella" to the vet on Thursday only to find out that our baby girl is actually a baby boy, sigh. So, his new name is Leo. After my initial reaction "!%^@*A#%#*!", we're now embracing his new found gender.

Clearly very masculine ;)
Now that I got those two things off my chest, we had a productive weekend in the Aires household. I studied/complained about studying for two days straight and Ryan re-pointed the brick in the kitchen.



Action Shot

It looks SO much better and we'll be able to put in the radiator now (which we bought about eight months ago and had been sitting in our family room, then it was sitting in our kitchen, and now it's back to sitting in our family room).

 Our last mini update was our upgrades of the exterior light and mailbox. My sister bought me a new mailbox and once that was installed I knew I needed a new light to make it shine ;)


After! (Feel free to ignore the white light bulb that I later replaced)


So, it looks like I still need to clean these stairs but we had to start somewhere :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Conquering the world...

Or just those pesky house projects ;) Sometimes, I think it's too easy to order things on Amazon (and then I beg forgiveness to the Amazon Gods for speaking such blasphemy).

Anyway, I just ordered this book...

Ana White
I couldn't be more excited. I'm already dreaming of all the beautiful furniture I can make (or in reality that Ryan can "help" me make). And, as if it's fate, I'm in finals which means the next few weekends I won't be in finals- ah, the joy. Hopefully this book won't turn in to just another coffee table book...

Monday, October 8, 2012


Sorry for the blog hiatus, we've been all over the place and not doing as much work on the house. I'm hoping that changes since I put the heat on today and we still don't have the kitchen radiator in... This weekend Ryan was away so I worked on a few projects. I started organizing the office which is quite the project  so, to make myself feel like I actually accomplished something, I jumped on the EAT sign trend :) A few weeks  months ago I ordered white letters from Amazon and decided to use some leftover fabric to add some color and bring more blue in to the kitchen.


Note to self: trace the letters on the opposite side of the fabric

Fun with modge podge

I'm actually going to hang them on the brick but Ryan has to finish re-pointing it first... so, for now they're just hanging out.

I also hung up some of our engagement pictures (now that I have to go through our wedding pictures and order some of those).

Coming together...

And I fancied up our china cabinet ;)

We'll see if I can keep the plant alive.

Our last bit of exciting news is that we have a new member of the family. Meet Bella :)

I love three day weekends.