Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Because I didn't get out of my pajamas yesterday....

... I don't have many pictures of Ryan (and Clark's) hard work. We had an amazing time in Connecticut visiting our friends for the weekend so yesterday we were both at the grind. Ryan finished sanding down the drywall in the back room and him and Clark moved the door for the bathroom so that it opened to the outside instead of the inside. This will make life much easier in the smallest bathroom of all time.

Ryan also fixed the dishwasher (that the plumbers couldn't figure out even after my Mom READ them the directions #plumbersfail).

That's a holiday sweatshirt he's wearing that he tried to pass off on to me #nothanks
And changed the facet directions so that the hot water comes out of the red part and the cold out of the blue #wheredidweevenfindtheseplumbers. Exciting things, I tell you.

While Ryan was busy, I was studying (before school even starts #schoolfail) on the most uncomfortable ikea stool that were left behind by the previous owners (I wonder why?). I've been having a hard time pulling the trigger on a lot of the things I want to buy for the house but last night I finally bought us a pair of stools. I figure if I like them I'll buy a second pair since three should comfortably fit and we can use the fourth if we have company.

You like?
I have no idea what they say but I love the black words against the linen. I also think they should be rather comfortable which is a definite win. I want our couch to be a linen color so I thought this would be a perfect way to ensure the two rooms look cohesive. 

And here's a sneak peak of our tiles coming together. Ryan worked on the second sheet last night and they're looking pretttty good.

Don't mind the missing rocks, we'll have to glue them down separately.
Last night we were also looking in to a new door for out back which is proving to be a bit of an obstacle for our non modern 30 inch doorway but hopefully we'll be able to find one and install it within the week or so. Laundry mat, your days are numbered..... crap, have I said that before?! ;)

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