Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year New Kitchen

The day has finally come (well last Wednesday technically) that we can cook in our kitchen... and it's glorious.

Last week my Mom came down to help me organize the kitchen and make it cook able. This involved unpacking many, MANY boxes that had lived in storage in our back room. Some of those boxes were packed over a year ago when we moved in to this house (where has this year gone!?) and some were engagement presents that had been stashed away for 5 months. It was like Christmas all over again!

Mom unpacking day 1

Unpacking day 2
We also finished up all of the painting that we hadn't been able to do before due to the appliances sitting in our family room for 10 months :)

AND we cooked the first meal in the new kitchen. We won't mention how my Mom and I also had to deal with FOUR plumbers trying to figure out how to work a dishwasher which ended in my Mom reading the instruction booklet to them.... but I guess you can't win them all ;)

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